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Tanthum Montessori Foundation

Contact Us:
+66 (0)81 266 8557

มูลนิธิทานธรรมมอนเตสซอรี จำกัด ตั้งอยู่เลขที่ ๒๔๘๙/๑ ถ.สืบศิริ ซ. ๒๘ ต.ในเมือง อ.เมือง จ.นครราชสีมา จดทะเบียนจัดตั้งมูลนิธิ เลขทะเบียน ลำดับที่ ๔/ ๒๕๖๓ เมื่อวันที่ ๓ ธันวาคม ๒๕๖๓ วัตถุประสงค์ของมูลนิธิ เพื่อสนับสนุนและส่งเสริมด้านการศึกษา
Our Mission
To offer an authentic Montessori education, based on the principles, methods, and activities of Maria Montessori. To develop and nurture a child's love of learning and sense of social and personal responsibility.To offer a strong academic curriculum based on the Montessori Philosophy fostering self-esteem, independence, empathy and social consciousness.
1. For our students to be:
Safe, happy, self-motivated, become self-disciplined and excited about learning
Kind and helpful to others
Respectful, responsible, and tolerant of differences
Caring towards living things and the environment
Able to articulate their needs and meet their full academic potential
Independent, inquisitive and self-directed
2. For our teachers to be:
Caring, happy, loving, and effective in their work with children, fellow staff and parents
Loyal to one another, our school, and the Montessori Philosophy
Role models who are positive, energetic, and excited to serve every day
Dedicated to their own personal and professional growth
Respectful, kind and able to clearly communicate their needs on behalf of the children
Contributing and creative members of the whole team
Able to place the well-being of children first and function as strong advocates for children
3. For our parents to be:
Willing to believe in their child and show faith in their innate ability
Supportive of the Montessori Philosophy, and committed to our staff and community
Motivated to learn and grow as caregivers and open to feedback and recommendations
Involved in their child’s education
Able to communicate their needs on behalf of their child’s learning

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